Welcome to the Town of Whiting
Chartered by Royal Governor Benning Wentworth on August 6, 1763, as part of the New Hampshire Grants
Town Acreage = 8,771 Acres = 13.7 square miles
Population = 405 (2020)
Registered Voters = 292 (2023)
The town was granted to 48 men, five of whom were named Whiting (both the names and the town spelled Whiteing in the grant).

As the official town website for Whiting, VT, this site is designed to provide information, facilitate town business, and promote local culture and history.
Disclaimer: While every effort is made to maintain the latest versions of forms and documents on this site, in the event of discrepancy the latest print copy version located in the Town Office is the official version.
For Whiting demographics and other facts & figures, including population, housing, income and energy, please click here.

Whiting Town Government
Whiting is governed by a system of boards and commissions, including the Select Board, the Lister Board, a Planning Commission, and Auditors.
The Town Clerk manages elections, keeps the Town’s land records, vital records, issues dog licenses, and performs many other duties. The Whiting Town Clerk is also the Town Treasurer and manages the town’s finances.
An alphabetical listing of all town forms and documents can be found here or they can be found on the Town Clerk / Treasurer page (at the bottom) so you can go right to the document you need.
Site content is overseen by the Whiting Webmaster and your feedback is most welcome.

Animal Control Officer
We have a section dedicated to talking about dog licensing and the steps to go through to license your dog. Whiting’s Animal Control Officer is Stacey Freeguard. Stacey can be reached at: 802-623-6065.
We offer a free Library in Whiting. We are located in the upstairs of the Whiting Town Hall on South Main Street in Whiting, VT. If you'd like to contact us, our email is whitingfreelibraryvt@gmail.com
and we have a website at: WhitingPublicLibraryVT.org
You are required to obtain a permit for any infrastructure that may be build in the Whiting area. In order to facilitate any new building, you will have to contact the Zoning Administrator.