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Select Board

Whiting Select Board

The Select Board derives its authority from the Vermont Legislature. The Select Board must perform the duties directly assigned to it by the Legislature, which include the general supervision of the affairs of the town and seeing to it that duties required of the town are performed.



Meetings are held at the Town Clerk’s Office, 29 S. Main St., Whiting, VT on the 4th Mondays of the month at 5 pm.


The public is welcome.


If you would like to be on the Select Boards’s agenda, contact the Select Board via email ( or by phone through the Town Clerk at 802-623-7813.

Warnings and Preliminary Agendas


12162024 selectboard meeting
00:00 / 52:45
1272025 selectboard meeting
00:00 / 22:41


Robert Wood, Chair

Steve Quenneville

Marcia King


Town of Whiting

Attn: Select Board

29 S. Main St.
Whiting, VT 05778

Call: 802-623-7813
Fax: 802-623-7815

Email Select Board

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